Does having a medical card show up on a background check maryland?

Always carry your medical marijuana card with you. If a law enforcement officer finds cannabis in your possession, you should be able to present it to them and verify that you are a legal patient. If you don't have your card, you can also direct the law enforcement officer to the Maryland Cannabis Commission database. Getting your card is the first step to fully comply with Maryland's medical marijuana laws.

Because your state-issued card can only be obtained on the medical recommendation of a doctor, that information is protected by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). There are several key Maryland medical marijuana laws that every current and future patient should be aware of. Legal medical marijuana patients are not required to disclose to law enforcement that they possess cannabis. Marijuana is included in the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I controlled substance, and there are no exceptions in federal law for marijuana allegedly used for medicinal purposes, even if such use is sanctioned by state law.

There was a two-decade gap between the implementation of medical and recreational marijuana laws in the Golden State. As such, it is understandable that they want as few entities as possible to know about their possession of a medical marijuana card. This means that a prescription for medical marijuana may appear in background checks if your employer requests it. If you still have questions about how medical marijuana will affect your background check, consult an experienced attorney about this emerging new area of criminal law and justice.

With more states introducing medical marijuana cards, people are wondering if that will show up in a background check. Possession and use of medical cannabis is a violation of the federal Controlled Substances Act, and compliance with the state of Maryland's medical cannabis laws is not a legal defense to a violation of federal law. For some, it remains uncertain whether a prescription for medical marijuana could affect a person's potential job opportunities. However, Maryland State Police consult individuals seeking to purchase a gun about their status as medical cannabis patients and prevent those who disclose that they are medical cannabis patients from carrying out the transaction.

Marijuana clinics generally have to enter their MMJ usage information into a state's medical marijuana use registry. He received his medical degree in Mexico with additional certification from Rutgers School of Medicine in New Jersey.